looping, formula calculations or expressions that use variables, libraries of day-to-day subroutines and conditional statements, which can add logic for a variety of applications. The entry-level MCOSMOS-1 software includes flexible advanced tools demanded by the most experienced operators e.g. Geographically enhanced displays provide step-by-step on-screen wizards that prompt the operator, allowing even inexperienced users to create routines to measure parts. MCOSMOS Coordinate Measuring Machine Software CNC Manual MCOSMOS-1 MCOSMOS-2 MCOSMOS-3 MCOSMOS-M GEOPAK l l l l CAT1000P s l l CAT1000S s l l s Scanpak s s l s Gearpak s s l MAFIS * s s s l Standard s Option Not supported * Requires Scanpak GEOPAK (Basic Geometry Module) Geopak provides an easy graphical console through the use of tool bars and windows which can be personalized to the operator s preference. From the basic MCOSMOS-1 to the advanced MCOSMOS-3, choose a configuration for your measurement applications. 1 MCOSMOS Software for Manual / CNC Coordinate Measuring Machines Three levels of module configuration MCOSMOS has three choices of module configuration.