I restarted the app, tried all compatibility settings, but its not working! Waited on the screen for like 10-15 minutes, it doesn’t go anywhere from there I have to force close the app.

So, my last resort was to “keep broken files” and extract, I did even that, the archives were extracted without any error, the game opened, BUT… The game is only loading halfway, as in, the loading screen after choosing a save-game/new game is only going HALFWAY and stopping.

I downloaded the uncompressed version in parts, BUT turns out that the parts 2,3,4,5 were corrupt, happens to me a lot of times, so I just re-downloaded the parts and then extracted them again, but the error that either the archive is corrupt or some other thing, even 2 error in 1 archive were coming, so I downloaded again, extracted again and again and again, I have downloaded and extracted this game’s parts 2,3,4,5 for like 5 times now and I can’t get it to work. The download link to the uncompressed version (whole) is redirecting me to the ULTRA COMPRESSED version’s download page.